
The art of a no-strings-attached Valentine's Day

By Siobhan

Embracing A Different Kind of Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day often conjures up images of serious commitments, grand romantic gestures, and the pressure to define relationships. But what if we told you that Valentine's Day could be equally meaningful and enjoyable without the weight of expectations? Welcome to the art of celebrating a no-strings-attached Valentine's Day, where casual connections, freedom, and fun are at the heart of the celebration.

Setting the Stage: Communication and Expectations

The key to a successful no-strings-attached Valentine's Day lies in clear communication and managing expectations. Whether you're casually dating or enjoying the single life, it's important to be upfront about how you want to spend the day. Being open with a casual partner can be scary and confronting - but opening those lines of communication can benefit every aspect of your relationship!

Keep It Casual

Who says casual can't be special? It's important to make those who we spend time with feel appreciated and loved - even if you're not in love. Use the day to celebrate your connections!

Navigating the Post-Valentine's Day Haze

Valentine's Day can sometimes alter the dynamics of a casual relationship, or at least attempt to. It's important to know how to navigate the time after and be willing to talk it out!

A Valentine's Day That's Right for You

Valentine's Day doesn't have to be about serious commitments or grandiose displays of affection. It's perfectly okay, and often refreshing, to keep it casual and pressure-free. Whether you're single, casually dating, or just not into the traditional hype, remember that this day is about celebrating love in whatever form it takes in your life. So, embrace the freedom, enjoy the moment, and make this Valentine's Day uniquely yours!

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Is "lesbian" becoming an outdated label?

Run your eyes down a list of famous women who have recently come out and you’re likely to see people describe themselves as pansexual, bisexual, or queer, or insist on their right not to label their sexuality at all. With one or two notable exceptions, you’d be forgiven for thinking the word “lesbian” has gone out of fashion.

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Two women, one with straight dark hair and one with curly dark hair, stare at the viewer with serious and almost defiant expressions.