
Why women should date like men

By The Hud App Team

Have you ever found yourself sitting at home on a Friday night, swiping through dating apps with nothing to show for it? Are you tired of playing the waiting game, waiting for him to text or call you first? It’s time to throw out the rule book and start dating like a man.

First, let's talk about the notorious “three-day rule”. You know, the one where you're supposed to wait three whole days before texting a guy back? Forget it! If you want to text him back right away, do it. No more waiting around like a desperate damsel in distress. It's time to take control and let him know you're interested.

And speaking of interest, let's talk about the art of flirting. Women are often told to play hard to get, but why bother? If you like someone, let them know! No more coy smiles or subtle hints. Just be straightforward and tell them what's on your mind. And if they're not into it? No big deal! There are plenty of other fish in the sea.

Embrace the idea of being a player. That’s right, it’s time to be a lady-player! Instead of playing the field, take it over and be the one calling the shots. You’re allowed to have more than one option and to weigh the pros and cons of each. Plus, the idea of being pursued by multiple suitors is pretty damn empowering, don’t you think?

Next up, let's talk about independence. Women are often told to prioritize their relationships and put their own needs and desires on the back burner. But why should we have to sacrifice our own happiness for a relationship? It's time to embrace our independence and be confident in our own skin. Don't be afraid to go out with the girls or pursue your own hobbies and interests. A man who truly loves you will support and encourage you, not hold you back.

In the dating world, it’s time to be a little more like some of our male counterparts and be more self-centered. It’s okay to prioritize our own needs and desires. After all, we’ve been putting everyone else first for far too long. And while we’re at it, let’s also ditch the guilt of ghosting someone if things just aren’t working out. We’ve all been ghosted before, and it’s not a big deal; let’s stop wasting time on what doesn’t serve us and focus on what does.

And it’s also time to drop the emotional baggage and let goof all those unrealistic expectations. Men have been doing it for centuries, so we deserve to catch up. Instead of searching for the perfect man with a six-pack, a private jet, and a heart of gold, let’s just focus on finding someone who makes us laugh and can hold a conversation.

And finally, let's talk about the dreaded “just friends” label. We've all been there: We like a guy, but he just wants to be friends. It's time to call a spade a spade and move on. Don't waste your time on someone who doesn't see your worth. There's no need to settle for less than you deserve.

Dating should be a journey filled with laughter, good times, and memorable experiences. Give yourself permission to let loose and just have fun. Forget about the pressures of finding the perfect match, and start enjoying the ride. Whether it’s trying new restaurants, taking spontaneous trips, or just laughing until your sides hurt, the most important thing is to have a good time.

It's time for women to start dating like men and take control of their love lives. No more waiting, no more playing hard to get, and no more settling. Embrace your independence, be straightforward, and never settle for less than you deserve. The right person will come along when the time is right, but until then, it's time to live it up and have some fun.

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A woman's torso and legs are shown. She is holding a sign in front of her body that reads OWN IT.